Sash Mǫdz Ibątųdzyad Mavądricht
Sash Mǫdz Ibątųdzyad Mavądricht

Sash Mǫdz Ibątųdzyad Mavądricht

Adoration of the Sun

Fanądz, naŕaftal shishtą bvaray dhąk,
Ęg igrįdz ů félistądz
Luvjlįg vredzǫ ągast pfarayvil kromiliv
Pfanądz nitųdzyad ůl glįdrigi gan.

Fanądz, naŕaftal shishtą bvaray dhąk
Shishtą shi ene mǫdz namędzanal
Ibawejlįg beliryad, nutfyad ů malaychyad
Sash pfarayv éravaw.

Vé lętistya fanůl
Ů tha vél pfarayv anůn sash zavanůl.

Vądricht faray zavanůl, pfanądz nitųdzyad
Ů mǫvo arazodąt ząt edzo fanůl
Sash ichtan vǫ mǫ béŕ bvaray.

You who shine upon us,
So graceful and kind.
Let our hearts never forget,
Your light for a single moment.

You who shine upon us,
High above in the sky.
Bring peace, luck and joy
To our lives.

Goddess of the Sun,
You are eternal,
And so is our love for you.

We adore you and your light.
And the sword you use
To protect us from the evil.

Poem in Ząstůn, language created by Afonso Tello.